Saturday, May 22, 2010

Started Karate Today...

So I started Shotokan Karate today (which I always have to focus not to mispronounce "shotakon..." embarassing...).

I'm not really sure if I like it yet. I know it's all about discipline and everything--I actually started when I was around ten and gave up for health reasons--so I feel like I have to stick it out for a while before I decide what I really think of it.

It's good for my health and everything, which I like. And I like the whole philosophy behind it. But I can't pretend to enjoy it. I'm not going to be performing my best if I'm constantly watching the clock for the end of class.

I'd considered taking up Jeet Kune Do for a while as well. I'll have to explore the principles of martial arts in general before I do that, though, so maybe Karate is just a stepping stone for me.

I always did feel like Karate was kind of the little brother of martial arts. (No offense intended, Karate lovers... or older siblings)

Well anyway, I have private lessons again on Monday. Only one day to rest, whaaaat! D: I'm too used to being lazy!


  1. Its super fun isn't it!... I do Taekwondo, but we do a lot of MMA 2! This is awesome that there is another girl who is my age who likes some of the same stuff!!!

  2. I commented on you comment on my blod idk if it sent to you so... it was;
    Yeah I hope it will be... all my friends from Taekwondo are home schooled and they have a home school class ironically
